Welcome to our online training platform.
Elpress web academy is a new concept of elpress. Here we can easily provide complete basic courses and professional knowledge in many different fields. We can also customize fully digital training, webinars or lectures for your organization.
This means that as a participant in the course, you can complete the course anytime, anywhere and in the most suitable learning environment. Training materials are available online. Like our on-site training, students will receive certificates after the course is completed.
Below is information about our online training courses. If you are interested, you can apply for login details and consult us. Just fill in the form and our training manager will contact you as soon as possible.
You will receive the login information of the learning platform and can choose when and where to complete the training.
The content is the same as our on-site training. Of course, you also obtain the qualification certificate in the same way. The training will take about one hour to complete. You can log in to the learning platform at any time within two weeks.
Price: 145 euros